Monday, July 4, 2011

We the People! A People's Congress. If You Are Indeed A Patriot...

Independence Day. This red, white and blue flag-waving holiday always makes me cringe. Blind Patriotism is not something to be proud of. Personally, I will never wave a nationalistic flag of any sort. I am a citizen of Earth. The Earth is my mother, people are my siblings, and animals are my guides.

My personal idealistic vision is for governments to be abolished altogether and for people to live together in harmony in a social-anarchistic society. However, whether you are an anarchist or believe in democracy, we all have to recognize that we are not living in a true democracy. Corporations run this country. It is a machine. Obama promised change that we have not seen. In order to see this change, we must take back the government and give power to the people,  just like it is written into the Constitution. That is why people are currently organizing a People's Congress.

The Declaration of Independence states, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The definition of despotism is: The exercise of absolute power, esp. in a cruel and oppressive way. Thereby not only is a revolution necessary, it is our constitutional right and duty.

The "founding fathers" so many celebrate today were aware of this threat. James Madison said, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurptions." Thomas Jefferson said, "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." So, are you Patriotic? Will you try to save this country, maintain our ideals of Freedom? We are not Free. Ralph Nader points out, "Presently, about 1,500 large corporations control or block the votes of most members of Congress on very important matters. It is not beyond the realm of realization to look forward to a time when a few millin modestly organized Americans, representing the values of much greater numbers of their fellow Americans, turn the national legislature into a Congress of the people, by the people, and for the people." The time is now. The People's Congress will take place the week(s) preceding the Congressional Summer Recess, 2012.

Please go to to learn more about this. There are many ways to be involved, many committees forming to organize this, and the more people take part in the People's Congress, the better.

From is calling for a week long action in which We the People pass specific legislation which, when enacted by Congress, will put an immediate end to the corporate take-over of our government, revitalize and re-democratize elections,  allow for a more responsible and open media, and end the secrecy in policy making. Until we reform these institutions and the laws governing them, our goals for a just and sustainable world will remain elusive at best. An earnest national dialog about our future cannot happen until we re-balance the wheels of democracy. It is the intention of the People’s Congress to secure that change directly in accordance with the will of the People and the principles established by our Constitution...

...all legislation will be developed and posted in our Forums for review several months before the People’s Congress meets on the Mall.  Please read this legislation before coming to the Congress. 

The People's Congress Mission Statement:
It is the intention of the People’s Congress to secure change directly in accordance with the will of the People and the principles established by our Constitution. We seek an end to the systemic dysfunction within our government by demanding and securing the Common Sense remedies required to re-balance the wheels of Democracy.

We seek a just and sustainable Society through specific reforms.
We demand an end to the Corporate takeover of our Government.
We demand a truly representational and transparent Electoral System.
We demand a more democratic media accountable to the People.
We demand open and transparent Policy making.

To this end The People’s Congress will write the fundamental legislative remedies and with the full force and vigor of the People’s Congress present them to our Representatives for ratification.

The People’s Congress will remain in place, united voices, to express our collective will and determination, with continued vigilance, until true Democracy has been restored to our Nation. 

This could be a huge part of the change we need, a giant step towards freedom and justice. The discussions are just beginning and we need everyone involved in the discussions, so that the people are truly represented! Already I have found flaws on their website (no organizations representing people with disabilities and mental health issues were included) and already they have taken steps to correct this. If you are not involved, your voice will not be heard. But your voice CAN be heard.

I have recently written about and truly believe in a People's Revolution, and I think that an uprising preceding a progressive event like the People's Congress could create the change we are all looking for. The October 6 revolution has stated its demands and is planning a massive protest, the People's Congress is beginning its discussions. The way I see it, the more action the better. We are talking about the same revolution!

Don't Give in to the Machine!

I've been talking a lot about the upcoming Revolution here in amerika. I have to tell you, I'm stoked about it! Some people I've spoken to jump right on board, are ready to go, but most...well, not so much. So many people point out that we are such a large and spread out country compared to Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, Greece, etcetera. I agree that has made large protests harder to organize, but look at the numbers we've racked up at the kapitol for other causes (go on, look! I posted a bunch here!). Many good people I have spoken to sigh and admit that they have little faith that enough people will show up. To them I say, if you don't show up, then maybe you're right! But why surrender and be a part of the problem? I understand how one gets to be burnt out and pessimistic. It can be exhausting going to anti-war protest after anti-war protest (for example) and seeing nothing change. You know they want us to give up, and if we do, than they win. The Machine wins. Don't let the Machine win! The Machine has so many tools they use to keep us down! Even the "liberal" media constantly reminds us that we should not have faith in our fellow americans, that americans are stupid and lazy and don't care about anything but themselves. Look around at the people you actually know--this is not true! The Machine thrives on this pessimism, this hopelessness. It thrives on drug addiction, poverty crime, and so many of the problems they pretend to be fighting. It thrives on fear, filling up the jails with all our revolutionaries. The mainstream media is a tool used against us--filling us with fear, self-doubt, self-hate, despair, misinformation, and distracting us with bullshit capitalist desires...most everybody gets stuck in this trap sometimes. But to sit at home and go about your daily routine because you don't have faith our fellow humans, well, that is giving in to the Machine. This is why YOU need to show up on October 6, 2011 and protest with the rest of us at Freedom Plaza in D.C.! This is why we need to spread the word and be very persuasive, enthusiastic, Optimistic. Give those burnt out and pessimistic potential activists the push they need to join in the Revolution! All of us can be leaders. All of us can be Revolutionaries.
In Solidarity,
Coco Pan.

As Mario Savio said in 1964:

  ...Those words have an even greater urgency today. We face ongoing wars and massive socio-economic and environmental destruction perpetrated by a corporate empire which is oppressing, occupying and exploiting the world. We are on a fast track to making the planet unlivable while the middle class and poor people of our country are undergoing the most wrenching and profound economic crisis in 80 years.
"Stop the Machine! • Create a New World!" is a clarion call for all who are deeply concerned with injustice, militarism and environmental destruction to join in ending concentrated corporate power and taking direct control of a real participatory democracy. We will encourage a culture of resistance—using music, art, theater and direct nonviolent action—to take control of our country and our lives. It is about courageously resisting and stopping the corporate state from destroying not only our inherent rights and freedoms, but also our children’s chance to live, breathe clean air, drink pure water, grow edible natural food and live in peace. --from's call to action.

Protesters will gather the morning of October 6 on Freedom Plaza, located at the corner of 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. The plaza is named in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., who worked on his "I Have a Dream" speech in the nearby Willard Hotel. Demands of the protesters will include ending the illegal war in Afghanistan, ending corporate control over people and government, human rights, health care for all, economic justice, and the environment. Many believe that this will be the most massive protest in U.S. history to date.