Tuesday, September 13, 2011

URGENT: Execution Date Set for a Man NOT Proven Guilty!

Twenty years ago, a cop, defending a homeless man, was shot and killed. The investigation by the police department was of course emotionally charged and more than anything they wanted to find the killer. As soon as Sylvester Coles told the police that Troy Davis was the shooter, they had wanted posters all over Georgia. He was tried and convicted and sentenced to death. But that's not the end of the story, not in the least. There was no material evidence. There were only witnesses. 7 out of 9 of these witnesses later admitted that they had been coerced, threatened, and harassed by police to falsely testify against Troy Davis, and that their testimony was not true. Nine people have signed affidavits stating that Sylvester Coles was the killer. One of the two who have not come forward about their testimony being false is Sylvester Coles himself. Here are the affidavits admitting that the testimony was false, and the affidavits stating that Sylvester Cole was the actual murderer: http://www.amnestyusa.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/affadavits.pdf. Please read these. It is enough to throw out the case. I believe, based on what I have read, that Troy Davis is innocent. But the point is that he has not truly been proven guilty. Georgia is set to execute Troy Davis on September 21, 2011. Injustice, indeed! People all over the world are in solidarity with Troy Davis, and oppose the execution of an innocent man.

Watch the four-part series "Examining the Troy Davis Case" here. It is very informative, very worth watching.

The Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles will hold a clemency hearing for Troy Davis on Monday, September 19, two days before he is scheduled to be executed at 7 pm on September 21.

*This Friday, September 16, is the International Day of Solidarity for Troy Davis. This is 3 days before his Final Clemency Hearing, the last chance to stop his execution.
Here are some solidarity actions I have found information about so far:
*Sign the Petition to oppose the death penalty (click here)

*Make the weekend of the 17th-18th a time for reflection or prayer:  for the Davis family, for the MacPhail family, and for justice to prevail.

Just, PLEASE, don't sit by and do NOTHING.

1 comment:

  1. Individuals continue to fax their respectful letters of support for clemency (404-651-8502) to the board and are doing all they can to make their concerns heard. YOU CAN TOO!!
