An estimated 7,000 people joined the march Thursday October 6 in Portland, OR. It was AMAZING and INSPIRING! The occupiers are still there. They are currently occupying Chapman Square and Lownsdale Square. Mayor Sam Adams has been negotiating long term occupation solutions with our Tactical Committee.
The occupiers, their supporters, the demonstrators and protesters....we all have a common cause. Of course, we are individuals with different ideas and different beliefs, but we are united in our call for change. We are united in our outrage at the way our government serves the few greedy wealthy at the expense of the many struggling. 1% of the world owns over 50% of the wealth. We are the 99% and we are not just pissed off, we are hopeful that we can unite and create real change!
If you can't occupy, march! If you can't make it to the marches, support the occupiers! There is a list of occupier needs on
The occupiers, their supporters, the demonstrators and protesters....we all have a common cause. Of course, we are individuals with different ideas and different beliefs, but we are united in our call for change. We are united in our outrage at the way our government serves the few greedy wealthy at the expense of the many struggling. 1% of the world owns over 50% of the wealth. We are the 99% and we are not just pissed off, we are hopeful that we can unite and create real change!
If you can't occupy, march! If you can't make it to the marches, support the occupiers! There is a list of occupier needs on
Estimated 7,000-10,000 people showed up and participated in the march!
So many leaders. It is inspiring to watch people speak, lead, and inspire others to do the same. It is cooperative and beautiful. There is no single leader or single group of leaders in this movement. As one sign I saw Thursday read, "We Are the People We've Been Waiting For!"
A popular chant as well!
People cheered us on from all the buildings, clapping, throwing peace signs, and making impromptu signs!
People gathered in the Federal park before being told that the Mayor had approved the two parks next to it which were city property. We were told riot cops were on their way, but we departed to the other parks and there was no conflict.
No "Get out of jail free card" for you, BANKSTERS!
Just look around at the signs and you will see that we are all united for a common cause.
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