Monday, May 30, 2011

A Mindful Memorial Day Post

memorial [m-môr-l] noun
1. Intended to commemorate someone or something.
2. A statement of facts. 
 commemorate [kəˈmɛməˌreɪt] verb 
1. to honour or keep alive the memory of
[from Latin commemorāre be mindful of]

Antonyms: dishonor, forget, neglect, ignore, omit.

To honor those who have died in the war, we must state the facts of the situations. Pretending that the wars our country is involved in are honorable is dishonest and does not commemorate those we have lost! Ignoring this day, which was first recorded to have been observed by freed slaves in remembrance of the Union soldiers, would also be a disservice (please check out this blog post).

The Facts.

I borrowed this from

Casualties in Iraq
The Human Cost of Occupation
Edited by Margaret Griffis
American Military Casualties in Iraq
In Combat
American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03):            4454              3511
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list


Since Handover (6/29/04):                3595                 2878
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09):                  226                   107
Since Operation New Dawn:                    36                     17
American WoundedOfficialEstimated
Total Wounded:33041Over 100000
Latest Fatality May 22, 2011

Those are just the MILITARY CASUALTIES IN IRAQ SINCE 2003. Not including dates prior to the DECLARED WAR, not including IRAQI CIVILIAN CASUALTIES (which are still piling up).
Here's more body counts for you:
Other Coalition Troops - Iraq
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq
Journalists - Iraq
Academics Killed - Iraq

Let us not ignore Iraqi civilian deaths: 1,455,590. That's the most recent number. You can keep track of these deaths at
IVAW: Iraq Veterans Against the War is an amazing support network for U.S. soldiers who do survive the wars. Their current campaign is called Operation Recovery. It is a campaign to stop the deployment of traumatized troupes. They state that "Service members who experience PTSD, TBI, MST, and combat stress have the right to exit the traumatic situation and receive immediate support, and compensation.
" I believe promoting these resources on Memorial Day is an important way to honor those who have served in the wars. Here is a link to the IVAW's explanation of why they are against the wars.
I would like to write an intelligent and impassioned Anti-War Speech, but others have done so for me. I hope you Listen. POWERFUL WORDS:
Rant by Stefan Molyneux from
Song by Ryan Harvey of Riot Folk:
Please listen to the lyrics. I wanted to write them out, but this is getting to be a long post.

Song by the Perceptionists:
In Peace, Hopefulness, and Solidarity,
Coco Pan 

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