Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Indefinite Detention of American Citizens...not so sci-fi now.

when laws like "the national defense authorization act" are passed, it reenforces my reasons for why i truly believe that it does not matter who we vote for, or who is in office. we are f#$%ed. some day, it's going to get so bad that americans will no longer be comfortable enough to ignore or accept how the government is keeping us down, and only then can we truly have a revolution. this law was passed on december 31, 2011, but i've noticed that an awful lot of americans do not know about the national defense authorization act. no, we don't get to vote on this stuff. we have a false sense of security. democracy does not work.  

and what about these fema camps i keep hearing about? when americans read sci-fi books, be it "1984" or "hunger games", they must know that these books are warnings about the future...but so many see it as the distant future, or an exaggeration of our society's problems. is it really so distant? is it really exaggerated? i, for one, am not so sure.

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