Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Oregon! Several Oregon Cities Participating in the Occupy Movement.

Occupy Portland began on October 6. An estimated 7,000 to 10,000 people participated in the march Thursday. Occupations in solidarity with Occupy Wall St are happening all over the country, all over the world, even! "Occupy Together Meetups" planned or happening in 1,168 cities. Occupy Together has confirmed 68 occupations currently happening in the United States and 22 occupations currently happening in international cities. 

I've been involved with Occupy Portland and Occupy Eugene. I've been hearing about several other occupations planned in Oregon, and so I did some research. Here is what I found out!

Portland : The occupation began on October 6, 2011. 7-10,000 marched and hundreds occupied. The occupation site is located at the Plaza Blocks Park between 3rd and 4th Avenues. The Plaza Blocks are separated by SW Main Street, with Lownsdale Square on the north side and Chapman Square to the south. General Assemblies are every day 7am and 7pm. The website is updated daily, they are having infoshare classes, marches, and group meditations. A list of needs is regularly updated on the website. 

Seaside:  The occupation began Friday, October 7th at City Hall. There are 437 people who "liked" the facebook page, but they are in need of support! There is a City Council meeting at 7pm on Monday, they are hoping for a big turnout that night.

Manzanita: The occupation began Saturday, October 8. They met in front of Manzanita Library at 571 Laneda Ave. Not sure if this is still going on, or if it was simply a rally in support of Wall St and other occupations...?

Salem: The occupation begins Monday, October 10, at 12:30pm, at Willson Park (on the West side of the Oregon State Capitol Building). That same day, the ACLU of Oregon will be representing Michele Darr vs. the State of Oregon in a case which will be heard by the Oregon State Court of Appeals (on the East side of the Capitol Building in Salem) after 2 years of struggle to reassert the Peoples Constitutional Right to peaceably assemble 24 hours a day at the seat of government to request Redress of Grievances. The Liberation Commons Collective has been involved in organizing for this.

Eugene : Occupy Eugene is having its 4th General Assembly meeting  on Thursday, October 13, at the West Coast Dog and Cat Rescue, 1274 W. 7th Ave. For those who do not have regular access to the internet, there is a phone line: 541-525-0130. You can call this number if you would like to be updated about meetings by phone. The occupation begins Saturday, October 15.

Ashland: The occupation begins Monday, October 10, 2011, 12:00 PM at Chase Bank.

Corvallis:  The occupation begins Monday, October 10, at 12noon, at the Bank of America on 3rd St. and SW Adams. 324 SW 3rd St.

Cottage Grove: There are currently 23 people discussing this on facebook. This will take place Wednesday, October 12, 5pm, and 1500 Main St. It seems details may still be being worked out, please visit their page for more.
Coos Bay: The proposed beginning time and place for this is Friday, October 14, 9am, at 125 Central Ave.
Roseburg: There are 57 people currently on the facebook page. They are planning on beginning on Saturday, October 15.
Medford: Also beginning Saturday, October 15, at12:00pm. Medford Oregon Alba Park.
Bend: The occupation will begin Saturday, October 15, at 12noon. It is proposed to begin at Drake Park and march to Pioneer Park.
Astoria:  1st Planning Meeting is on Wednesday, October 12, at 4:30pm-6:30pm, at the Astoria Labor Hall. 926 Duane St. 3rd floor.
McMinnville: The date is not yet set. The place is 3rd St, possibly US Bank Plaza.
Rogue Valley: No real information on this one. Is it happening? There is a facebook page, and 93 people "like" it.
Vale: No real information on this one. There is a Meet Up page.
Cave Junction: There is a facebook page, and a proud grandmother, and 20 people "like" it. No real information yet.
Brookings: There is a Meet Up page. No information yet.
Hillsboro:  There is a Meet Up page. No other information.
John Day: There is a Meet Up page. No other information.

If you don't know what the Occupations are all about, please check out Occupy Wall St.'s Official Declaration. These Occupations, though many may release their own declaration or grievances, are in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to a great article about Occupy Medford:

    Link to Occupy Cascadia:

    Occupy Winston:

    Occupy Ontario:

    Occupy Southern Oregon:
