Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why A Blog?

What would be the purpose of writing a blog?   To have my voice heard, sure.  To write, because I don’t write often enough, yes.  But also to read the response of readers, to learn from their perspectives, and to have open discussion about the issues of today that are so troubling.  In our society, we do not talk enough about the events and issues that matter!  Our lives are too busy!  And we have too many distractions!  TV!  Facebook!  I’m guilty of it, too.  So, I am going to attempt to take advantage of our internet culture, and see if important discussions can take place here.  It’s just an experiment, I make no promises of keeping it up!  And I want to thank my sister, Jaime Jo, for persuading me to start a blog.  Check out her (extremely inspiring and informative) blog, The Equality Chronicle.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited for this. I'm your first follower! I think that you have so many important and thought-provoking things to share.
